941 research outputs found

    GIS in Swiss Highschools

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    In 2003, the Swiss Geography Teacher Society from the German speaking area initiated the introduction of GIS to Swiss highschools. A very favourable<br />contract was made with the ESRI Company about using their software ArcView,<br />thus as many as 44 highschools had GIS education in 2008

    Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies

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    The Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies (JB GIS) is a union of leading international societies dealing with geospatial information and represents those societies at the international level, especially with regard to the United Nations and other global organizations. Its other goal is to coordinate activities of societies and organizations in the field of geospatial information

    "Povijest kartografije" J. B. Harleya i D. Woodworda besplatno na internetu

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    The first part of well known The History of Cartography, edited by J. B. Harley and D. Woodward, was published in 1987. The second part, consisted of three books, was being published during the next 11 years. Since recently, all four books have been available for free, on the Internet (http://press.uchicago.edu/books/HOC/index.html).Prvi dio dobro poznate Povijesti kartografije (The History of Cartography), Å”to su ga uredili J. B. Harley i D. Woodward, objavljen je 1987. godine. Drugi dio, koji se sastoji od tri knjige, objavljivan je slijedećih 11 godina. Odnedavno se sve četiri knjige nalaze besplatno dostupne na internetu (http://press.uchicago.edu/books/HOC/index.html)

    Mapping Sciences in National Academies of the USA

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    Currently, there are four national academies in the United States of America: National Academy of Sciences (NAS), National Academy of Engineering (NAE), Institute of Medicine (IOM) and National Research Council (NRC) (http://www.nas.edu/)

    Kartografski sadržaji na Twitteru

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    Twitter has recently become an important channel of information. It is used by governments, politicians, sportsmen, artists and even scientists.We were interested in how much cartographers used Twitter and what kind of cartographic content can be found on Twitter.U posljednjih nekoliko godina Twitter je postao jedan od važnih kanala Ŕirenja različitih informacija. Njime se služe vlade pojedinih zemalja, političari, sportaŔi, umjetnici, mnogi drugi pa i znanstvenici.Zanimalo nas je u kojoj se mjeri kartografi služe Twitterom i kakvi se kartografski sadržaji nalaze na njemu

    Kartografski sadržaji u Journal of Geography

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    Journal ofGeography has been published since 1902. Ten volumes were published during each of the first five years. Volumes 6-16 encompass two years each (1907ā€“1908 to 1917ā€“1918). Nine or seven volumes were published from then to 1982. Six volumes have been published each year since 1982, with the exception of volumes no. 106 and 107, which encompassed two years each. The journal is published by Taylor & Francis, and one can access all issues at the journal website (http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rjog20#.VyoTpoSLTIU). Members of Croatian academic and scientific community were granted access to access full texts of all papers in 1997. Journal of Geography is included in Current Contents and Web ofScience (SocialĀ Science Citation Index). Its impact factor (IF) for 2014 was 1,048, and its five-year impact factor was 1,218.Časopis Journal of Geography izlazi od 1902. godine. U prvih pet godina izlazilo je deset sveŔčića godiÅ”nje. Volumeni 6. ā€“ 16. obuhvaćaju po dvije godine (1907. ā€“ 1908. do 1917. ā€“ 1918.). Od tada izlazi u devet ili sedam sveŔčića godiÅ”nje, a od 1982. po Å”est, ali su volumeni 106. i 107. sadržavali po dvije godine. Izdavač časopisa je Taylor & Francis, a na mrežnim stranicama časopisa (http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rjog20#.VyoTpoSLTIU) dostupnisu svi brojevi od početka izlaženja. Članovima hrvatske akademske i istraživačke zajednice cjeloviti tekstovi svih članaka dostupni su od 1997. Journal of Geography uključen je u Current Contents i u Web ofScience (SocialĀ Science Citation Index). Faktor odjeka (IF) za 2014. iznosi 1,048, a petogodiÅ”nji faktor odjeka 1,218

    From Journals

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    Progress in Human Geography

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    Časopis Progress in Human Geography namijenjen je svima onima koji se žele upoznati sa suvremenim stanjem znanja i istraživanja u antropogeografiji. Izlazi od 1977. godine, izdavač je SAGE Publications, a od 2002. godine objavljuje se Å”est svezaka godiÅ”nje
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